Shared Abundance Gardens
Promoting the Jewish vision that natural resources are fundamentally not owned by individuals but are meant to be equitably shared.
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.استخدم "ترجمة هذه الصفحة" في الزاوية العلوية اليسرى من النموذج لترجمتها
Shared Abundance Gardeners are a collective of Connecticut River Valley gardeners, both experienced and first-timers, united in our commitment to share the fruits of our harvests.
To that end, Gardeners commit to Sharing their harvest, time, knowledge, or gardening materials beyond just their household and Abundance Farm provides them with seedlings, knowledge, materials, and resources at a sliding scale cost.
Shared Abundance Gardens takes the spirit of our Farm’s Pick-Your-Own program out into the community.
What does it mean to join Shared Abundance Gardens?
What You Get From Abundance Farm
Abundance Farm commits to:
Providing access to material resources such as:
Compost, Soil, Woodchip Mulch
And vegetable and flower seedlings from the farmers at Sawmill Herb Farm. For a list of what you will receive in 2025, click here.
Supporting you to have a successful garden by hosting Ask-A-Farmer events during Community Harvest Hours, sending occasional gardening updates by email, and hosting community gatherings at Abundance Farm.
Creating and facilitating networking amongst local gardeners to connect you to community, expertise, and resources.
What You Give To Your Community
As a Shared Gardener, you commit to:
Sharing your harvest, time, or gardening materials beyond just your household. How? It’s your choice, but here are some ideas (We’ll help you figure it out!):
Share a few veggies with friends and neighbors
Help load or deliver materials for someone else
Share perennial cuttings or seeds with other gardeners
We also invite gardeners to support the overall initiative by making a financial contribution (sliding scale $0 - $360) towards the material costs.
Sliding Scale Payment
We are committed to offering Shared Abundance Gardens as a resource for anyone, regardless of financial situation. We offer this program with a sliding scale payment method. We ask that gardeners support this initiative by making a financial contribution of $0-$360 towards the material costs. We estimate that the seedlings, soil, compost, wood chips, and seeds that our gardeners use have an average retail value of $100 per garden. Paying above the estimated retail value helps cover the cost of the sliding scale model, allowing us to keep this program open to anyone.
What if I don’t know how to grow food? (aka, I’m a new gardener, I kill everything, etc.)
We hear you! We are excited to support first time growers. You can do this! You will have simple, clear instructions presented when you pick up your plants, a network of people with gardening expertise that you can lean on, and knowledgeable staff who will be available for weekly drop-in Q&A sessions at the farm during the growing season.
Do you provide raised bed materials?
No, we do not, but we can direct you on who can help you build a bed, where to get the soil to fill it, and best building strategies. Note that while we provide compost for routine fertilization of garden soil, we limit compost use to six 5-gallon buckets per garden, per season—not enough to fill the typical raised bed.
I live in an apartment and my landlord won’t let me start a garden.
This can be difficult to navigate. If you can’t start a garden outside, you can explore container gardening, which we can provide educational resources on. Also, we would be happy to provide a letter to submit to your landlord letting them know you are part of this initiative if that would help.
What if I’m an experienced gardener and don’t need your help with gardening skills?
That’s so amazing to hear! We hope to stay in the loop about your progress. We can offer you convenient, on-demand materials (including woodchips, mulch, soil, compost) and a supportive gardening community. We would love to connect you with beginning gardeners looking for support
I only have a little patio space. Can I still garden?
Gardening can be done anywhere! We have many gardeners who grow plants in containers. We are happy to provide educational resources for this.
I want 2 tomato plants and one cucumber. Can I come and pick out exactly what I want?
You can pick up a standard kit of seedlings, plus up to six plants of your choice from our bonus seedling selection. If you want to leave something behind, you can. You can also grab something that another gardener left behind. Unlike shopping in a store, we’ve already selected varieties for you that we recommend!
I heard Abundance Farm is based on Jewish principles. Do I have to be Jewish? Are there any expectations I should know about?
Everyone is welcome at the Farm! Part of Abundance Farm’s vision is that people from all backgrounds will deepen their understanding of how land, nature, and agriculture are parts of their own ancestral stories. Our monthly email may include some Jewish learning opportunities, but feel free to click through only if it’s of interest to you. We hope this inspires you to share your ancestral stories with us!
I already bought so many seeds and got started! Can I just come and get compost and woodchips?
Yes! We’re happy to help jumpstart your gardening initiative, in whatever form that might take.
I’m worried I won’t have enough of a harvest to share with anyone else. Can I just do this for myself?
As a food justice and community building initiative, we do intend for gardeners to share their resources in some way. We recognize that this will look very different for each garden and will depend on so many different variables in your life. All offerings are welcome, including sharing harvest, other resources, or time.
Still have questions?
Contact: sharedabundance@abundancefarm.org